Backstory: A friend of mine moved a few years ago to a community that was managed by an almost 100-year-old trust. She and her family are essentially renting a house in a community set up for veterans that was started way back after WWI. Since she has been there, another house became available. She let us know (my husband is an Air Force Veteran) and contacted the trustees for us. We signed the lease and are working hard to make this 100-year-old home livable!
When we first looked at moving in, it was back in March. This before picture was taken then.
disclaimer: All pictures taken with an iPhone. I am a horrible photographer. I am sorry about that.
There were a few hiccups with us moving in back in March, but we received the go-ahead this week and have jumped in with both feet on getting this place ready for us. I work in education and have the summer off, so this is the perfect time for us to take on this adventure!